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IceCold-WoW's DPS Thread!


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I was bored, so I wanted to a make a DPS thread to where everyone can show their epic Screenshot of their dps!


No text reply's or spamming! This is DPS threading only!

If you messed up on your Screenshot post you are allowed to post it again.

All forms of Dps is allowed, PvP, PvE, Dummy etc

Post Your Dps Chart From Recount Or Any Other Addon

Make sure the image is big enough to where we can read it!

DPS Add-ons URL's!:






***If at all you lag during in-game experience while these add-ons are enable then re-download it or delete cache folder!***

"How To Use/Enable Add-ons You Say?"

***The following link is a youtube video on how to properly install add-ons into your wow folder!***


f the add-on installation still doesn't work, or you dont understand the video. Simple as this: Download it, find it, extract to: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns******

How to post a Screenshot(SS) to this thread?

Go to tinypic.com and upload it. Look for Forum/Message Board URL. Copy and Paste the URL into your reply!

Good luck! Hoping to see some awesuuum dps!

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