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Camping Should Not Be A Rule


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I am here to discuss the rule of "camping" a.k.a "spawn killing". I think this rule is uselss, just for noobs who dont wan to be spawncamped. I think the rule should ONLY apply OUTSIDE the arena. As of people come in the arena to PvP.. and if they dont want to be spawn-camped they can get out and simply PvP outside the ring.. or another arena.

Camping makes people mad.. but this is the only server I found to where spawn camping is a rule. I think its un-necessary type of rule. Waiting 30 seconds to kill someone is just stupid. And besides, they have to ability to "walk away" from the situation if they cant handle it or dont like it.

I understand a friendly gaming enviorment.. but ANYTHING can happen in PvP.. It's just PvP.. there should be no rule except bug abusing in PvP.

Thumbs Up? :D

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No I wouldnt. But players have a keyboard and a mouse for a reason. To move your character away from the situation. if the staff changed the spawn time, maybe there would be no rule. And no one who PvP'es would have to worry about anything. Like uh.. maybe have the ability to resseruct with your IceCold Teleporter stone and not the "Resseruct" button. I know there's a way to change that. And if you do change it, make it to where u cant resseruct unless your outside the arena ring. So its fair.

If that makes sense.. Just trying to express opinions is all, :D

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Dude if u get like 20 kills and u just ress and die i tell u will not like that and think if one vip6 for example he spawnkill u so many times u cant do nothing all respect.So let the rule to be apllied and u get more fun and u get more friends there to play.I agree with Mikez.

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I personally like the rule No Spawn Killing - People shouldnt have to move away - Ppl should know not to spawn camp ppl not only does it make the game unfun for them but also makes them very angry i was spawn camped near deathwing raid by some warrior non stop till someone put him in his place and i myself didnt like it one bit but your right Everyone has there oppinion

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I agree with MJW, if you are INSIDE the BATTLE RING, the litter ring thats actually where you can kill your own faction then spawn camping should be allowed. To avoid getting spawn camped all you should have to do is walk up the ramp and resurrect up there.

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Good point ^-^ , Alot of people have said this ... "They go into the arena, and expect not to be spawnkilled" ... You do this in retail all the time and GM's don't do anything about it ^^ ,So idk why we start to do it here... anywho ill talk to The staff.

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