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Price guide

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Ok, this is a guide to all of the prices, varrying the seller.

First, I'm going to tell you the prices of all of the items in the store.


VIP1: $10

VIP2: $25

Vip3: $55

VIP4: $90

VIP5: $155

VIP6: $220


Frostmourne of the Beast: $60

LOL Sword: $325

+80 shirt (96,000 stats): $50

+100 shirt (151,000 stats): $75

Titan's Grip: $10


All mounts: $5

Account and Character:

Faction Change: $7

Race Change: $5

Character Re-customization: $3

VIP Gear Transfer: $15

Realm Transfer (When there IS another realm): $20

In-game item prices:

Vampire: 75-200 gold

Forest: 3000-15000 gold

Sapphiron: 20000-100000 gold (Caster and Melee)

Thanks, I hope this helps!!!^^ --- Omgehh

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