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well at the morning(spain time) i was joining this nice server(for 1st time) and i saw on the global chat some one saying ''FREE VIP!!!'' well that was suspechous so i screened it and the i saw some acc banned for hacking and diavlo1(noob acc that i maked to bust it) was banned ;D e

look at aviation and when i said that in world channel

SCREEN SHOOTS DOWNpost-59924-0-72080400-1335000780_thumb.jpost-59924-0-57257500-1335000792_thumb.j

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I also saw this. My suggestion to the GM's and Administrators is to make an Announcement in the forums AND the game saying that nobody needs your password if they want to give you VIP. The only thing required is the username. I knew that from the start when I saw this guy saying to whisper him account details for password.

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