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error 121



8 answers to this question

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It's best for you to just write your own support topic.

Bumping old topics like these won't make anyone happy.

Also, a very helpful topic about several error codes has been pinned. Take a look at it, might be helpful.


I'm gonna go ahead and close this. This topic keeps getting revived, apparently also after this post^.

Please write your own Support topic, try to make it as complete as you possibly can. Post all the information about the error you have.


@MAxor021 I did some quick research and this is what i found.

This error usually means that the game files are corrupted beyond repair. 
However, go ahead and try running the repair found in the World of Warcraft folder. 
If that doesn't a work, a complete uninstall and reinstall of the game will be required. 

After you uninstall you should check for and delete any leftover files before reinstalling.

Here are the locations you should check for any leftover files:

C:\Documents and Settings\<YourName>\Local Settings\Temp
(Delete all files in these folders that you are able to. 
Some files may be used by other programs and not able to be deleted.)

C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft
(Select and Delete this folder if it exists)

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Blizzard Entertainment
(Select and Delete this folder if it exists)

C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft
(Select and Delete this folder if it exists)

C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Blizzard Entertainment\World of Warcraft\
(Select and Delete this folder if it exists) 
If necessary you can use the Icecold Launcher to re-install the game.


If this does not solve your issue, please write your own topic.

Adding all the information you possibly can will speed up the process of finding a solution. So please be as complete as possible.

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