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Wow, you really failed here... You /w me saying

"You are going to get banned, check on forum.. Top post"

My name ingame (the characted you /w .. Me) Is Kristall.. Why did you /w me? You DO NOT mention me in your post? . And, there is no evidence on any of these 12 pics, that i hitted someone. Neither is there any evidence of Palanskalson, HITTING someone..

So, all togheter.. This is what you did: /w me in game, saying that im going to get banned. When i read to post (witch you told me to read). My name isnt even in it, and there is no evidence of me doing anything wrong.

Next time film it, i dont feel like getting banned over something i didnt do.

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Wow, you really failed here... You /w me saying

"You are going to get banned, check on forum.. Top post"

My name ingame (the characted you /w .. Me) Is Kristall.. Why did you /w me? You DO NOT mention me in your post? . And, there is no evidence on any of these 12 pics, that i hitted someone. Neither is there any evidence of Palanskalson, HITTING someone..

So, all togheter.. This is what you did: /w me in game, saying that im going to get banned. When i read to post (witch you told me to read). My name isnt even in it, and there is no evidence of me doing anything wrong.

Next time film it, i dont feel like getting banned over something i didnt do.

Dude, i dident say Kristall was gonna get banned i said that the warrior and the Paladin is getting banned

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