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I have less stamina than someone with lesser gear than i



My character Holyblades, who is forest equipped except the belt which is vamp instead... and is fully equipped with sapp, somehow.. has less HP than the character named Itwasntme ( a human female warrior with the same spec as i ). I've compared gear.. she has NO sapp at all, has all forest, and has the tabard and shirt that increases stats. Now even though she has the tabard and shirt... all my sapp items should cover for that and still out HP her. At the moment i have about 4.5k HP and she has 5.3K HP. I hope we can find a solution to this soon. Thank you.

Please disregard what i had posted for Ice-Cold Dreamer i was stupid and didn't know there were two help and support forums...

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give me a minute, i'm going to add up all the stamina. i'll edit the post when i'm done.

185000 + 28.5k + 28.5k + 15.4k +15.4k + 15.4k + 15.4k = 304k stamina. For you. Assuming you truly have full DW, which means 2x trinks and 2x rings.

200k + 5.3k + 5.3k + 5.3k + 0k + 28k + 28k + 17k + 17k = 300.6k stamina for him.

Doesn't make sense bro, Probably a talent difference.

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give me a minute, i'm going to add up all the stamina. i'll edit the post when i'm done.

185000 + 28.5k + 28.5k + 15.4k +15.4k + 15.4k + 15.4k = 304k stamina. For you. Assuming you truly have full DW, which means 2x trinks and 2x rings.

200k + 5.3k + 5.3k + 5.3k + 0k + 28k + 28k + 17k + 17k = 300.6k stamina for him.

Doesn't make sense bro, Probably a talent difference.

Thats true.

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