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GM Apps

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I don't want to sound like i want GM; even though if they open i'll apply ^_^... I think we should get more GM's in the reaper server. The reason being is: I believe there should be at LEAST 3 gm's online at all times. Making it less difficult for the players; and the staff members. For the past 3 days; At night; the only GM available or that is on; Is Knee, and Tiri. And then Ryan makes an appearance, suddenly they all come on lol. This isn't due to invisability either. But i think Icecold-wow should have 2 more GM spots open; to where this will help the players and the server in general. Meaning for the GM Apps to re-open.

-Personal: People been talkin' that i'd be a great GM. I don't want to put it like that; but i would like a chance to apply for one. Yeah; "Ryan will open apps when he feels like we need more GM's" has been told to me by two others GM's (Not mentioning names), and i agree. But whenfore Ryan comes on pretty much at nighttime; I'm not sure if he see's what goes on in the daytime. There are GM's. But only one or two, and only maybe ONE that is willing to help. (Not mentioning name)

Overall: I believe the GM Apps should be re-opened for maybe just; Two, more GM spots for the reaper server. Due to innactivity provided by today's GM's. (Excluding, Knee, Tiri, Molten and Puffin)

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Well, I would apply as GM! And I got a lot of experience from being a WoW private server GameMaster I was GM on WoWbeez for 2 years and then on some other server!

So if there is any way I could have a chat meeting with server owner about this I'd be really grateful!

Best regards, Sarziaz! :)

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Well, I would apply as GM! And I got a lot of experience from being a WoW private server GameMaster I was GM on WoWbeez for 2 years and then on some other server!

So if there is any way I could have a chat meeting with server owner about this I'd be really grateful!

Best regards, Sarziaz! :)

Even so, to apply for a GM position also requires a few requirements.

Stuff like, At least:

-20 posts minimum

-The account must be at least 50 days old

-Rep requirement of 10

-Not in bad standing

-etc, etc.

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lol @Death, u just stated what i already did in my post.. but yeah There's alot. But not a lot are active. You listed 4. Yeah tickets are important, but i'm also talking about just help in general. My topic is about that 3 or more should be on at all times to help the people.

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>_> you forgot someone fool

Puppy i still love you don't worry about mitch<3


Too many GMs make it too hard to keep track of everyone. There is currently a close relationship between all the GMs on reaper. Our calls are already a clusterf**k sometimes. If there were too many GMs, the relationship between them would disintegrate and the server wouldn't run as fluidly. Not thought through idea wasn't thought through.

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As an example the "1 player total" is me doing /who reaper staff... : p.s. I realize /who reaper staff , only works for visable gm's but still... This picture took place over 5 minutes. After two minutes; he asked this again; (showed in this picture) which then i budded in.


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Regardless, GM applications aren't open. He can apply when they are.

Miller, Tirionl is on sooooooo much. But he's always invis. You can't tell who is online by /who Reaper Staff... That's extremely unreliable

I know... I put him in the first post.... "Excluding... Tiri..." You can check on the website though. and still; Not alot of activity. and i know its unreliable hense me saying the p.s.... lol, thanks for repeating me though; helps when high ranks than me say it; to get more attention; (no sarcasm intended)

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As an example the "1 player total" is me doing /who reaper staff... : p.s. I realize /who reaper staff , only works for visable gm's but still... This picture took place over 5 minutes. After two minutes; he asked this again; (showed in this picture) which then i budded in.

There is always ~2 GMs on at a time. Though some like to stay invisible. There just isn't that many tickets to require more GMs.

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As a former staff member, I know how they like to work, some go incognito to be extra sneaky in the arena, while others just work long and hard on the tickets. Our staff is highly efficient at what they do, you shouldn't worry about anything :P.

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  • Staff

Where else needs direct supervision from staff besides the arena? The world is too big to supervise "other places" for the occasional rule breaking. The recourse for this is the forums which is available to players to report other people doing stuff wrong. It is important that players police themselves otherwise we would have to have a server full of GMs and a couple of players. One thing I think its difficult for players here to understand is the difficulty and logistics it takes to form a working and productive staff on both servers completely over the internet.

Parting thought, players need to understand that they cannot come on here for a couple of short months and then they need to be a GM here. Sure some people may have certain qualifications including past GM experience. But people need to learn the icecold community, rules, and establish themselves as a productive member of the game to begin to qualify for being a new GM.

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Where else needs direct supervision from staff besides the arena? The world is too big to supervise "other places" for the occasional rule breaking. The recourse for this is the forums which is available to players to report other people doing stuff wrong. It is important that players police themselves otherwise we would have to have a server full of GMs and a couple of players. One thing I think its difficult for players here to understand is the difficulty and logistics it takes to form a working and productive staff on both servers completely over the internet.

Parting thought, players need to understand that they cannot come on here for a couple of short months and then they need to be a GM here. Sure some people may have certain qualifications including past GM experience. But people need to learn the icecold community, rules, and establish themselves as a productive member of the game to begin to qualify for being a new GM.

A wise statement, couldn't have said it better myself. Well done.

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