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Starting Weapons


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Hey, Long time player, Long time lurker.

I've noticed a growing trend that people are not replacing weapons or are constantly asking for upgrades from the starter ones, and do not know slower the speed the better or so forth..

Yes, there are quests at the start but the 1,000 kill quest for a decent weapon is a bit extreme, should either add something to push people into the direction of vote weapons without being told, or just add a between ground so they are not constantly asking.

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Everyday when I am online I get this question at least 10 times: "How do I get a better weapon". I would say vote or donate.... then they ask how to get a weapon quickly.... after that I don't really know how to respond to that..... I agree with vbyo.... There should be 1 of to things.... New weapons for players that just started... or a guide on getting a better weapon. :)

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Usually people are going to Vote for a new weapon, the starting weapons are fine. They can also get some weapons from retail areas instead of asking for new ones. It's very simple just tell them where to get a decent weapon to use. The best weapon to find right now (non-vip) is a voters sword/mace/axe etc.. Tell them to look up retail ones.

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I agree because I am currentlii still going through the quest of that 1000 kills... even tho im still a bit new... i see the complications cause first off... the newer ones cant seem to kill alot from the halls ov lightning cause of the health lvls they have alot of the time or theyre just in large mobs for starters... shouldnt be a starter quest... but like a mid-game quest or something... reccommending the same as u nd i think there should be a different starter quest a liiiiittle easier to help them get started~

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I'm still trying to find weapons with high speeds (High speeds as in 3.00+). Retail weapons should NOT do more damage then the custom weapons we have available. It's ridiculous.

Hopefully soon they will be all nerfed and we won't have this problem :)

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Its a good start tirion get people using more weapons you have made, but we need a few more though, maybe another 2-3 that are upgradable you spend so much time on gear, why not on weapons. I mean spend more time upgrading weapons as much as you do gear, It is a vital part.

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