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Damn Guys, you ought to make a video showing new guys how to install ice cold ( a proper, updated one ). Because frankly ( and with all do respect ) it can prove really hard to some of us to properly install Ice cold. I mean, in order for you to become the best private server, you need to take the player by the hand like a mentally challenged kid and introduce him to your world. So, my point is, you guys have to make more videos regarding installing ice cold, maybe some minor ingame issues or whatever. otherwise your server will trully be ''Ice Cold'' to some of us :P. Of course and you have worked very hard to make up this, needless to say, excellent site, but hey, you're competing with other great sites too, and you ought to be the best in everything :) . I have no doubt, you will do great. 



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There's clear instructions on the homepage, I don't see how anyone couldn't understand them...

Well here is the thing, i am quite furious right now as i have been trying to download icecold for three days now, no, struggling* to do so, and yet haven't managed to play the game as whenever i sign in, it says PATCH REQUIRED and although i have DOWNLOADED CATA THREE TIMES over the last few days, nothing happens. Nevertheless, even when i placed Icecold in my WoW folder, it eraised everything, so i had to download the freakin game again. So yes, the instructions sadly do not apply to my case. I am just pointing out that there might be a need to post a video, officially, by the creators of the site because, since they have put so much work into creating such a beautful site, why not make a video showing people step by step how to install it?

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Download the latest World of Warcraft, make a new folder whereever on your computer, (not in your WoW directory), put the WoW launcher that is downloaded from the home page in the section that says, "don't have 4.x", and run it. It should say something like "couldn't find wow folder". Hit ok, and the launcher will pop up. 


Here is where you'll press, "reinstall game". Now just wait.

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Download the latest World of Warcraft, make a new folder whereever on your computer, (not in your WoW directory), put the WoW launcher that is downloaded from the home page in the section that says, "don't have 4.x", and run it. It should say something like "couldn't find wow folder". Hit ok, and the launcher will pop up. 


Here is where you'll press, "reinstall game". Now just wait.

Κ, ill do so and tell you how it went. Thanks by the way :)

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PC or Mac?

Pc, but i get this error on my desktop 


Title: Wow.exe Not Found.
Message: A valid WoW install was not found in this folder.
We have detected your WoW folder as:
C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\
Details: Files contained in launcher folder:
IceColdLauncher (2).exe
Date/time: 27/12/2012 1:07:52 μμ
Title: Wow.exe Not Found.
Message: A valid WoW install was not found in this folder.
We have detected your WoW folder as:
C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\
Details: Files contained in launcher folder:
IceColdLauncher (2).exe
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I'm seeing a whole bunch of, "-64"s in your folder, which is a new file name Blizzard introduced to us for patch 5.x and up. For some reason they're in your folder, when they're not supposed to be in there, as those files are not needed for patch 4.x. 


I'm looking in my Icecold WoW folder, too. I also don't see ".agent.db" in it, as it's probably a 5.x file. To my knowledge, the Icecold Launcher doesn't install the 5.x files.



Title: Wow.exe Not Found.
Message: A valid WoW install was not found in this folder.



It even says so in your WoW error. You're probably running the 5.x files, also known as Mists of Pandaria files. 


You made a -WHOLE NEW- folder, right? One that doesn't have any files in it whatsover, right? I'd recommend just going to C:\Program Files\, and making a new folder there called something like, "Icecold", putting the downloaded launcher in there, then running it.


Here's the link to the right launcher for your problem...



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