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I just dont see the use of perma-bann. Not in this server. I mean, we got only few active members, i dont see how banning someone permanently from playing will help the server in any way. Instead, i suggest removing any purchased VIP or banning for a couple of months instead of this. I mean it is ridiculous. Perma bann should be used ONLY if someone is banned for many consecutive times and yet continues to break the rules. But even then it is a really heavy form of punishment and im against it.

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I just dont see the use of perma-bann. Not in this server. I mean, we got only few active members, i dont see how banning someone permanently from playing will help the server in any way. Instead, i suggest removing any purchased VIP or banning for a couple of months instead of this. I mean it is ridiculous. Perma bann should be used ONLY if someone is banned for many consecutive times and yet continues to break the rules. But even then it is a really heavy form of punishment and im against it.


Perhaps you're right.

It does kinda feel like WoW's Death penalty, doesn't it.

But then again, rules are rules.

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But we cant act like they' re unalterable, cause they are. All we need is either to put up a voting poll or text ryan that in order for the server to get more players, we need to loosen up a bit, amongst other things of course...

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But we cant act like they' re unalterable, cause they are. All we need is either to put up a voting poll or text ryan that in order for the server to get more players, we need to loosen up a bit, amongst other things of course...

They have loosened up a bit, 


My perma-ban has been reduced to a 30 day ban.

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