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Question about rules!



I saw someone honor farming he bypassed the anticamp through damaging hes own character with the character he was killing so he was using another account to honor farm isnt that bannable if so i got a ss of our chat as a proof it was a bit late i took the ss but its something.

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3 answers to this question

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There is no technical rules against this, the difficulty and time it takes to do anything while multiboxing is well worth the 1 honor point/30 seconds. IF you think it is an unfair advantage to multibox for honor, I'd say it can be if they were getting like 20 kills/5 seconds. Although all this may be true to the best of my knowledge, I know that this would all be considered honor farming. I would suggest reporting this with your SS to the "Report another Player/GM" forum.


There's always the aspect of someone else controlling the opposing character and giving the person the kills. The only way to know for sure it to check the IP address of the two accounts and see if they match up.

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Honor farming is an exploit and can be against the rules for that reason. Its true that killing opposite factions on different accounts from the same IP (dual-boxing) does not reward honor. However, its possible to complete daily/weekly quests to farm those for honor. We need proof of them doing it before action can be taken. They need to be reported in the "report player/GM" section with the proper format.

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