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A gm who has muted me and dosent mute another spammer !!


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i'm reporting the GM flash, because he muted me 60 min because of a bad language in the world chat he says that it was a spam but it was not, normally i get only 10 min by the bann system of the server even if i do it 1000000.... time !! it's not a spam every player must get only 10 min by the bann system of the server but he gave me 1 hour !! and then another player who started a vulguar spamming but what flash did ??? NOTHING ATT ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he muted me 60 min without spamming , and he didin't mute the other player who spam in world chat !!!!!!! this is injustice !!!! please try to understand my bad english and i hope you choose the right desision ...

 this has happened at 24/03/2014 over 10 pm in my country 



 the proof : http://prntscr.com/33ss66  and here the GM flash didnt do nothing for that spamm but he muted me 1 hour !!!!!!! without spamming ...... 

 sorry if the proof bug but you can also see it in the report of wraith to googlyeyes ( the player who spam and didint get banned ) 

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  • 104 posts
  • LocationThe chamber of secrets, USA USA USA!!
  • WoW Version:3.3.5
  • Expansion:Wrath of the Lich King
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To clarify this, you weren't banned for spam. You were banned for repeatedly speaking foul language in /o.

The duration of muted was based on the fact that for what I had seen, this was a third offense. Later I got told you had been doing it all day, so I do not regret the mute. You were obviously aiming to get muted by the system, so I don't really see the problem.


Unfortunately I cannot notice every single offense that is made. I wish I could.

However, the offense you're speaking of got reported on the forums and Molten (The guy who posted above me)  took care of it.

You could have decided to report it, like Wraith did, and he would have gotten a mute as well.

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