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Suggestion Type (Event/General Improvement/Nerf/Buff/Loot/Dungeon etc) : Vote Items

A short description : Make the Vote Trinket upgradable

How and Who would that Benefit : Everyone of low VIP and non-vip would benefit


Suggestion Type (Event/General Improvement/Nerf/Buff/Loot/Dungeon etc) : Loot

A short description : Create more ways to get fine Iron, maybe quests to kill certain bosses to get a certain amount of bars.

How and Who would that Benefit : Lower geared players


Suggestion Type (Event/General Improvement/Nerf/Buff/Loot/Dungeon etc) : Dungeon/loot

A short description : Make the end of a dungeon have a harder boss which drops more Upgrade items like Armor Parts/Iron/Weapon Parts

How and Who would that Benefit : Everyone trying to obtain gear

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1. do u mean Voting for a second trinket which starts from 0 to V?

i agree with making it upgradable from the start, but in that case you will need to Nerf The Vote points needed Alot like to 5, it would the starter get the Trinket on the first day , to vote after getting the trinket

2. Farming fine iron is easy right now, they shouldn't make it more easier..

3. i agree with making it drop more mats, but this is just for vips to get mats easier...(but not LB,FJ,Tou those bosses should be totally buffed up but not the fineiron part.)

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When I farmed a new character from 0 , and got to IW VII ( also the weapons , off sets , etc.) , I spent all the mats that I had in my bags , So I think the mats are correct so when you farm for full VII you will finish everything else at the same time , the ones with bad luck are the ones that farm 2H weapons because it need more mats than 1H , but ofc , 2H weapons are more OP so it's good in my opinion.

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