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Player/Gm Reporting: Chip

Reason: Aboose/ Abuse

What Happened: SO this random chick told me to mind my business and knowing me i kept talking, and she kept killing me, so i kept talking and talkking, and then a mute, BUT when i said i was going to speak up about it on the forums in a ticket addressed to chip, he told me to enjoy my bans, so he was threatening to ban me if i posted on the forums basically.


screens:  http://prntscr.com/3o8zj8



more screens soon to come

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good job, you took a ss of the comment that you got muted for /clap.

and you made a ticket saying "enjoy the forum posts" or w/e and I figured you would keep going on and on so I said "enjoy the bans"


but it seems you stopped and acted like an adult so I didn't ban you, so grats on this amazing post and I give it about an 8/10.


/e: I checked back at the chat logs yeah you got banned for 3 days for all the crap you said /clappity /clap.

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Honestly, I don't see the point in player disrespect here.  Yes I know others have different feelings and opinions but this isn't a serious matter and Chip was extremely busy at the time so he was getting overworked and mostly overreacted at this situation. Not many GM's are on all day leaving Chip doing admin work and GM duty.

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