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Hire More Staff

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Due to some issues at the dead times of each day. It would be a logical suggestion to ask that you hire more staff for those dead times.




Read ahead for my rant.


During one specific dead time, a player known as Darkover from somewhere in Africa decided to get on while his server was in repair. He then started spamming "www" messages for over an hour span. He disrespected many players as well.


I am not saying I acted correctly, but not one member of staff was on during this time, and I happen to be on plenty of times during this time period. It is only about 1:18am where I am at the time of this ticket.


My main concern is the amount of players that don't care. I shouldn't have to wait until morning to have this player banned for what he has done, while terrorizing world chat with spam. Open a position for Moderator so that they can kick players, flag for rename, mute players, and ban for 1 hour at a time so that they can keep peace. 


I don't give a faeces who they are, I don't care if I don't get on the moderator panel. Just ****ing handle it.


I am tired of dipfaecess from random nowhere getting on our server and talking massive crap and being rude. Reaper has gotten better, that's why I've gotten a bit more time spent there. If I keep logging in for the last few hours of my day and seeing dipfaecess acting up again, I am quitting Reaper Realm completely.

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See here's the thing... and Ryan has said this too. That the server needs more players for them to hire more staff. I mean yeah some of them are pretty inactive. I mean hell im on like 24/7 when im not working and I only see a couple active GM's but there's not enough players for them to hire more.

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Its just not possible for us to be on at all times and throwing more staff at the problem is not a solution. There will always be a period of time where most of us are asleep and offline. This is especially true because of the size and culture of the server, its a low population time. Sometimes there is only 1 or none on.


The best thing for anyone to do in this instance is completely ignore the person. I am certain people started saying something about this player's spam and breaking the rules. This attention is what they feed on. If everyone ignored the rule breakers and didn't let stuff like that bother them, the player would get bored and move on. They are only seeking attention.


I know asking people on this server to not say anything is an impossible task, so far now I think you are just going to have to live with it when GM's are offline.

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Hiring Moderators during the 4-5 hours of time that no staff are on would actually solve this problem. There were about 6-8 people online when I was dealing with that kid.


Simply put, I stand at my point. Moderators with mute, kick, and temporary ban privileges could easily fix this. What cost would it be to hire these such individuals? 

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The idea has come up before and though it sounds good in theory, it just doesn't make sense for our server. If we are going to have more staff, they might as well go through the whole process and be full GMs because they are fully accountable for their actions and command more respect for their position.


What I mean is, if we have moderators and they started enforcing the rules that they can, then players will likely start claiming they were abused by the moderator or they were abusing their power. In the meantime, the GMs would have to go back and investigate what actually happened to make sure no abuse was going on. It would create more work for GMs and possibly more liability for the Admins in regards to server rule enforcement. So that is why it makes more sense to me, to make a GM over some moderator position with limited powers.


I will pass this along to the other staff to read and consider, but I highly doubt you will ever see a moderator position any time soon. I also believe that there will always be gaps in GM coverage no matter what so this thing is going to happen. Right now the server may have player spikes during times when its normally lower because all the kids are out of school for summer.

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