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Great idea for Druids

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  • Suggestion Type (Event/General Improvement/Nerf/Buff/Loot/Dungeon etc) : General improvement/nerf.
  • A short description : okay so what i was thinking is that the devs make the spells "Thorns" yes the druid spell and make it an active spell kinda like how pallys got arura.
  • How and Who would that Benefit : This change would benefit the druid players on farming and avoiding being killed so easily from behind i would say nerf it a little though just a little :P.



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Thorns spell is already enabled, and if i'm correct you are saying about an active spell

that expires after an X amount of time? If that amount of time is more than the actual

time that the legit spell provides, it could be more over-powered than any kind of "shield", 

even shaman's lighting shield or paladin's retribution aura. Seeing results of thorns spell

on a druid with an extremely good gear (Firebats), believe me, you would mind a lot

having this on him.  :P Anyway, the overall idea, with a huge nerf and increased active

time COULD be implimented, however it'd definitely need some balancing.

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I might be playing druid if it happens and others will play it and not pala its boring just same class though i personally play rogue though i think alot of druid spells for cat And bear should be nerfed then

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I might be playing druid if it happens and others will play it and not pala its boring just same class though i personally play rogue though i think alot of druid spells for cat And bear should be nerfed then


Thorns spell is already working, like i said in my previous post, so give it a try if you wish.

Try using it with an average gear equipped and i'm sure you'll see it's effectiveness. ;)

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