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server down?



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If you take a close look at the recent topics, there are around 5 topics about this already. :)

ok well regardless of what i am saying I find it slightly rude for you to say such things to me . A player that is having a problem. And ur even a Game Master. Regardless of the topic I would assume that it is your job as a gm to support players and not post pointless things that provide 0% of help to the said player(s). I understand if your having a bad day or something i get that, I understand GMs are people too and they deserve some slack but if that was the case then just refrain from posting, not only does it not cause problems like this it will also help both me and you...... Lastly I am not trying to cause any Flame wars ect. and if it starts to get like that forum mods u have permission to Lock / delete this thread


On top of it I just checked recent topics and my topic was the first one posted and there is only 1 other after that?32fd9940a7.png

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The servers are working and have been since yesterday. If you are still having connecting issues it could be with your internet provider or some other technical problem on your end. Make sure you are using the launcher to start up the game.

thanks for reply , It seems to be working again this morning. It was really odd though i couldnt login for 4 hours o.o. But atleast it works now xD

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