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VIP Arena Suggestion


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I think this is a great idea i would like to add to this suggestiong that maybe a script where there could be multiple bosses to where you have levels if you beat these 3 bosses which will be really hard you get to choose between these items and range the stages to 10  i think it would be a great aspect.

Spamming 1 all the time is a challenge for y'?


I would like to recommend that the server should add a boss in the VIP Arena which may include nice VIP only weapons, or even a super rare item with a drop chance of 1 or 2% or so :P

I do not agree. Enough VIP items.

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I can't say i agree 100%, Their is already a Vip only Boss Called Pythio's with rare Drops 

I would like to recommend that the server should add a boss in the VIP Arena which may include nice VIP only weapons, or even a super rare item with a drop chance of 1 or 2% or so :P





I think this is a great idea i would like to add to this suggestiong that maybe a script where there could be multiple bosses to where you have levels if you beat these 3 bosses which will be really hard you get to choose between these items and range the stages to 10  i think it would be a great aspect.

I agree their should be scripts added to some of the world bosses we have to make it Even fun and more challenging. 

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