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Suggestion Format
  • Suggestion Type (Event/General Improvement/Nerf/Buff/Loot/Dungeon etc) : gen improve/dung/loot
  • A short description : Well what i suggest is Having a couple new world bosses and make them drop artifact weapons that can be upgraded with a dungeon which the artifact weapon materials can be fount I also suggest that you bring out some new CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please for the love of god....
  • How and Who would that Benefit : what players we have.....
  • Any screenshots/images if needed : nope


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Suggestion Format
  • Suggestion Type (Event/General Improvement/Nerf/Buff/Loot/Dungeon etc) : gen improve/dung/loot
  • A short description : Well what i suggest is Having a couple new world bosses and make them drop artifact weapons that can be upgraded with a dungeon which the artifact weapon materials can be fount I also suggest that you bring out some new CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please for the love of god....
  • How and Who would that Benefit : what players we have.....
  • Any screenshots/images if needed : nope


I've personally submitted a list of improvements/suggestions to all the team except ryan....However so far all I really get is ignored so I guess I'll post it here for everyone else to see. One of the suggestions included adding bosses that drop artifact weapons.

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