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Daily Quests


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I'd like to formally request that some daily quests that award scaling Fine Iron for all instances of Eternian's Custom Instances be added.


Onyxia's Lair - 1 Fine Iron

Fantasy Jungle - 1 Fine Iron, 1 Unbound Energy

Lost Basin - 2 Fine Iron, 1 Unbound Energy

Halls of Origination - 5 Fine Iron, 2 Unbound Energy

Ragefire Chasm - 11 Fine Iron, 4 Unbound Energy

Drak'Theron Keep - 14 Fine Iron, 6 Unbound Energy

Stratholme - 26 Fine Iron, 8 Unbound Energy

Blackrock Depths - 32 Fine Iron, 10 Unbound Energy

Stonecore - 40 Fine Iron, 12 Unbound Energy


These number scale with the difficulty of the dungeon and the time consumed to finish the dungeon/instance. Rewards are also based on the amount of Fine Iron it takes to upgrade 1 item. It is about a 1/4 of an item's Fine Iron requirements, and can be done once daily. This would be reasonable for increasing the motivation to farm. 


We could even add quests for Catacombs and Magister's Terrace.


Feedback? Please feel free to share you opinion about my suggestion in the below comments!

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40 fine iron for sc is too much the full dungon gives like 80 i pref to add more mats over fine iron and UE becouse its really hard to farm in all the dungons for the upgrade VI +

would like to have 1/2 of the mats for 1 item on every day would be really helpfull to farm and make people and vips get back to farming 

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40 fine iron for sc is too much the full dungon gives like 80 i pref to add more mats over fine iron and UE becouse its really hard to farm in all the dungons for the upgrade VI +

would like to have 1/2 of the mats for 1 item on every day would be really helpfull to farm and make people and vips get back to farming 


I already suggested an increase in mats that was done by kick, it's not a huge increase but instances Strath,BRD and SC had the amount of mats dropped increased to like 4-6 per mob.

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