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PvP Tournament


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  • Staff

Date: December 19, 3pm PST

Location: Eternian, Nagrand Arena

Due to lack of paticipants conditions for the tournament will be changed to the following:

Player will fight in 3 different Tiers depending on gear
Tier 1- Ice Warden 7,8 and VIP 2

Tier 2 - Ice warden 5 and 6 VIP 1

Tier 3- Ice warden 4 and under


1). Players will be assigned to the tier fitting there gear

2). No VIP gear above VIP 2 will be allowed, no other VIP gear such as bags,shirts, and tabards will be allowed.

3). Full Talents and Titans grip will be permitted

4). Attempting to mix higher gear with lower gear to get placed into a lower tier automatically gets you placed in the top tier.

5). There will only be one prize per Tier winner

6). Any attempt at cheating will be automatic disqualification with no debate.

7). Sportsmanship is a must, If you're going to be an ass because you won you forfeit the prize to the next person.

8). reserve the right to withhold the prize if I even think you tried to cheat or gain some sort of unfair advantage.

Prize for each Tier winner will be the same and is as follows:

4 Million Magic Gold

30 CP eggs

1 full set of Class glyphs

1 week of runs

1 set of consumables


Just add your character name on the forums or send an ingame mail to blueroze to signup.


Congratulations to the winners!

Ks Tier 1 champion

Amaranth Tier 2 champion

Identify Tier 3 champion

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  • Staff

Ugh, with the new rules it's kinda obvious that all of the winners (except the lowest tier) will be people with full talents. Not that I'm complaining, I understand the need for it arose from the lack of participants.

I'm in.

Amaranth - Tier 2.

Not necessarily, I probably should have added that matches won't be quite so random now. Those with added things such as TG and FTP will most likely be paired against there match up class wise who does not have these.


Oh and to answer aelexia's question, yes the non VIP bags will be allowed.

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Seems like i cant either get to get to the farming Due to bs with Admins - >

Eli - Can be excused but i swear your net shouldnt been gone so long.. after all u did reply.

Kickspeed - Saying he would do xfer after he finished tickets, Logged out instead...

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