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Wraithy Dr @ HehahiHehahi


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  • Player's Name :Wraithy
  • Rule Broken :Disrespecting and swearing offensively at other players is forbidden. Punishment is a mute or suspension.
  • What Happened : Basically as usual Most likely hehahi was just pvping them all And ended up with 6v1 .. Something happened in /O which i forgot what was, and the chat was on --> And Ofc, wraithy technically was disrespecting, Check His Logs for rest.
  • Screenshots :

Only got 2 Screenshot as i didnt think he would go that far:P, Oh Btw.. whats also A Point here is that hehahihehahi Does actually have Asperger..




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/clap.... He doesn't have aspergers. He is pretending to have autism as a scapegoat for how stupid he was acting earlier. If you're going to pretend to have autism, Hehahi, don't choose a form of autism as low as aspbergers. My brother has aspergers and it does NOT make you act the way he was acting. All aspergers does is make you have challenges with change and decision making. I may have been rude about the way I approached all of this, and I am sorry for that, but I don't tolerate people who fake being autistic. I bet you there was someone online who actually had aspergers when all of that went down and you made them look like a complete fool. 

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