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want to buy an account with vip7

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There has been an increase in the number of support requests filed about this, and we need to make it clear for anyone in the future. As you should know if you read the rules, the sharing or selling of accounts is absolutely not supported or advised in any way.


This means that if you share your account, sell your account, or buy an account, absolutely ALL responsibility for handling it is on you.


As you know, a valid email that you control is needed for you to properly own an account. If you don't control the email, the person who does can reset your password at any time and you'll never get it back. An email can only be changed by the person who controls the current email. That means if you're buying an account, you should ensure the email is changed to your own by the original owner. This is again your own responsibility.


(quoted from ryan.)

yea so its allowed i guess

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As you stated the selling or trading of accounts is indeed allowed, but we advise against it.


What you're doing here is advertising for it. This is in fact against the rules:


2. Advertising of servers, accounts, or any paid services for real money is forbidden. Your account/IP will be banned if caught.

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