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VISA Debit Card Issues


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Hi there! 


I have been attempting to purchase items and every time at checkout I am getting my card declined. 


1. I know I have a available balance.

2. The transactions are going through because my card locked up yesterday.

3. Today the card is still declining.


I talked to my bank and it's not on their end. 

So is IceCold's checkout not debit visa friendly? 

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I would just attach it to PayPal. Should work every time 

I've actually been trying to do that, but because I can't verify my address by means of supplying a picture of a utility bill with my name on it; I cannot add money into paypal. 


What is really stupid..

They have my SSN. 

They have 3 photo ID's

and because I can't supply a utility bill they won't take my money?



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