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WoWScrnShot 061413 140801


Lol xD


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Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) is simply using a botnet or a lot of infected computers to send massive amounts of large packets, He cannot shut down your internet or make you unable to play Icecold-WoW, ddosing can be UDP, SSYN, HTTP, or Apache, The only way he could make you unable to play Icecold would be too DDoS Icecold itself which has protection against DDoS attacks, He would must likaly boot himself from the network if he does not have experience with anything in the website field, Don't worry you're not going to be DDoS'ed! So just have fun and /ignore him :D 

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Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) is simply using a botnet or a lot of infected computers to send massive amounts of large packets, He cannot shut down your internet or make you unable to play Icecold-WoW, ddosing can be UDP, SSYN, HTTP, or Apache, The only way he could make you unable to play Icecold would be too DDoS Icecold itself which has protection against DDoS attacks, He would must likaly boot himself from the network if he does not have experience with anything in the website field, Don't worry you're not going to be DDoS'ed! So just have fun and /ignore him :D 

I just found it funny.. :s

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