It is now an instant level 85 Cataclysm 4.3.4 realm with custom content on it.
Among other things, here are some of the features on Reaper:
- Custom quest lines and dailies
- Custom scripted dungeons inc. a daily dungeon
- Some dungeons offer N (solo) and HC (5 man)
- Custom bag teleport system
- Custom world bosses
- Personal Loot systems
- Max haste arena
- Custom currencies
- Custom Dalaran mall
- Future custom scripted raids to be released
As Reaper once was a max-haste realm some of our oldest players were disappointed when max-haste was removed from Reaper.
In an attempt to keep even those players happy we created Hyjal; a copy of Reaper with increased haste.
Basically this can be considered a "Fun-Copy" of Reaper. Classes will be less balanced but more OP.
Among other things, here are some of the features on Hyjal:
- Custom quest lines and dailies
- Custom scripted dungeons inc. a daily dungeon
- Some dungeons offer N (solo) and HC (5 man)
- Custom bag teleport system
- Custom world bosses
- Personal Loot systems
- Custom currencies
- Custom Dalaran mall
- Future custom scripted raids to be released
Somewhere along the line Eternian joined Icecold-WoW.
Once the remnants of the well known Eternion, the people involved rebuild Eternian to be as good or even better than Eternion ever was.
Still with us and going strong, Eternian offers many unique things. Among those things: Fully customizable gear.
Some other things that can be found on Eternian:
- Custom quest lines and dailies
- Custom bag teleport system
- Custom world bosses
- Personal Loot systems
- Custom currencies
- The ability to fully customize gear
- Very high stats