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Have an Idea for Ice!?


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Its a Really good idea teslow09 i hope this will made but one problem is there icecold-wow has a launcher and its must have to play on the server! i think theres the little problem but the coders will make this :)

Jordan I'm Lisa, I'm a developer/GM I'm former <GM> On WoWBeez and TonicWow I've got a pack that will allow players, from patch 5.x.x to join IceCold-WoW But still connect to 

your 4.x.x realm. This has no effect on any spells etc. I've tested out on my, Test server every thing seem's fine. Please contact me back, Lisa.

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I would like to see daily quest with either icegold or icegold bars as a reward. Perhaps either can be a reward depending on the difficulty of the daily quest. It would be nice to have some dungeons with (actual) bosses to clear on a daily basis to make grinding for equipment more fun and dynamic. Would be much better then endlessly grinding the same old mobs over and over.


Also, I know it is difficult but I would like to see the classes balanced. It would be nice to see all the classes be able to compete fairly in PvP with the same level of gear. One possible idea is to up contribution on weaker classes, say priests for example, to make them more powerful and compete against some melee classes. Unfortunately I am not sure of any good ways without removing the max haste. Either way it is getting old seeing mostly paladins and only a few rogues, warriors, and hunters.

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10 suggestions that I have( have fun reading ;) ) :

1. Raise drop rates of the magic tokens and above, most people do not farm gear past ravaged because the drop rates are very low, causing people to be bored and eventually leave to a different server.

2. New weapons to get, the only good weapons you can get are voter weapons and no one wants to wait how ever long to get it and people want better weapons than the starter quest ones, so my suggestion is that you add weapon drops from Deathwing so players can a in between weapon of the voter ones and the starter quest ones. This wi get people more happy with the weapons instead of waiting and voting to get a better one.

3. Maybe bring back the haunted ash bringer but make it a little different, maybe make a similar quest except with the ashbringer (extra effects).

4. Keep the regular honor gear but make another type of honor gear that is like forbidden stats ( since honor gear currently has the same stats as impecc)

5. Add a icegold bow, in the current vendor that you guys have set up everything is there except for a bow for hunters to use.

6. Raise the amount of icegold given from Deathwing since he is harder to kill i think it is reason able that he should give you more that 16 icegold.

7. For the VIP dungeon it only gives you gold, maybe if you lucky the items they drop, to make things more interesting maybe have them drop 1-5 stack(s) of icegold bars, this way more icegold bars are being obtained and people can sell them to non vips instead of them begging for a Deathwing run so they can get icegold.

8. Kill points system maybe instead if giving just titles for obtaining a certain amount of kills through in either a) icegold bars b) a reasonable about of gold or c) like 100 honor points so it makes people want to get the honor gear and as well helps them get it faster.

9. The non VIP boss, make him drop something more than just the weapons and gold maybe through in ice clams or icegold bars or glow caps. This will make it more worth the while killing him so that people don't feel so disappointed that they didn't get the weapons as well lower his spawn time from 3 hr and 30 min to 2hrs so that more people can kill him more frequently.

10. ( I know this will be a pain in the ass to make but in still gonna suggest it) make a daily quest for the VIP dungeon, and make a daily quest for non VIPs and Deathwing or the non vip world boss. The quest can contain say 1,000 gold along with some sort of gear, weapon, tabard, shirt, etc..

Hope you like the ideas :)

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The main three things I want are to go back to gear dropping from instances not the upgrade items (except for tanaris and above) because it was more fun and seemed a lot like retail aspect which even private servers have to have. Next I agree with Termination's (is he puppy? :O) to lower drop rate of magic tokens and above because last time I ran tanaris for just over an hour and only ended up with 12 magic token and that annoyed me so I left to go to Eternion. Lastly we need weapons that are better than starter weapons but easier to gain than vote weapons. And a minor one is that before I took my long break there was no fun events going on. Once we had a few GM's transforming into things at our request for a bit in the arena to keep us entertained but thats it, we should be able to do PvP tournaments. Like VIP's have their tournaments and Non-VIP's have theirs and then maybe the winner of each tournament get to go against eachother for fun and the top 3 from each tournament get a special reward like an unobtainable piece of gear or summat. Thanks in advance xD

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I suggest that you make a relam where its like normel wow where you start out as lv 1 and work your way up asted of being lv 85 right off the bat.


There already is, it's called TrueIce, but you need 3.3.5a for it, you should check it out.


Anyway, my idea was something like an arena only for non-vips. If you're VIP, you can't enter it via the teleporter, nor' by flying/riding there. (Have the place barricaded, or something). Getting ganked by a VIP while fighting with another non-vip can be extremely annoying. Also there would be a boss in it, just like the VIP one, but less powerful. It too would drop something beneficial to the non-vips. 


Sorry if this idea was already thought up and I just didn't know.  :D

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There already is, it's called TrueIce, but you need 3.3.5a for it, you should check it out.


Anyway, my idea was something like an arena only for non-vips. If you're VIP, you can't enter it via the teleporter, nor' by flying/riding there. (Have the place barricaded, or something). Getting ganked by a VIP while fighting with another non-vip can be extremely annoying. Also there would be a boss in it, just like the VIP one, but less powerful. It too would drop something beneficial to the non-vips. 


Sorry if this idea was already thought up and I just didn't know.  :D

That is not really possible unfortuntely. The system knows if your account is VIP, but cannot tell the difference between characters actually wearing VIP gear or normal gear. Plus, 'barricading off an area' is a near impossible task for a place open to the main world map :P
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That is not really possible unfortuntely. The system knows if your account is VIP, but cannot tell the difference between characters actually wearing VIP gear or normal gear. Plus, 'barricading off an area' is a near impossible task for a place open to the main world map :P


Well that rustled my jimmies. But I will keep thinking of suggestions!  ;)




- Make easter eggs! Spawn some in Azeroth and Outland, and make it so you get rewarded if you find any easter eggs first. There's something to do when you're bored. 


- Maybe make craftable armor that actually benefits you for the time being before you farm ravaged diamonds, or tokens. (Craftable meaning Blacksmith, btw.)


- Quest rewards that are not only beneficial statistically, but can morph you into a certain model if you left click it in your inventory. (Nothing -HUGE-, of course.) Much like http://www.wowhead.com/item=71086

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Well Zurlock. What if the VIP has a non-VIP  character he needs to get honor and such on. VIP status is for your whole account. Not just the one character. The one character gets the gear. But the whole account gets the status. So that means anyone who has VIP status (wether they actually have the VIP gear on that toon or not) couldn't enter this arena. Which brings up more issues that people would talk about. To me it seems deepholm is the new "arena" which I think they should make it so it's a non-pvp area to get more traffic in the arenas. With all things theirs douches. Just remember.

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Well Zurlock. What if the VIP has a non-VIP  character he needs to get honor and such on. VIP status is for your whole account. Not just the one character. The one character gets the gear. But the whole account gets the status. So that means anyone who has VIP status (wether they actually have the VIP gear on that toon or not) couldn't enter this arena. Which brings up more issues that people would talk about. To me it seems deepholm is the new "arena" which I think they should make it so it's a non-pvp area to get more traffic in the arenas. With all things theirs douches. Just remember.


Well, I wouldn't know that since I've never been VIP, can't afford it. But I've been clarified.  ;)

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here's an idea make it to where we can get weapons without needing vip help or a group. you don't have a lot of people on the server to begin with so make it for people to get weapons fairly. your vips are ignorant and all they want to do is spawn kill and gloat all day. make the game more fair and balanced.

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