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Report A Player Format
  • Player's Name : Devilreaper
  • Rule Broken : GM Abuse.
  • What Happened : I Submitted a ticket to be taken seriously http://prntscr.com/34qy6n . Instead of the GM doing something about this or looking for proof he muted me for 240 minutes. http://prntscr.com/34qypm . in no way is this behavior professional and it reflects bad against the Icecold Community which this server has been allowed to become a part of and ultimately Eternian. I want a unmute, Unless the mute is over by the time you respond because it does carry over to Icecold-Reaper, The server I enjoy playing. I would also like some form of action to be carried out against the GM


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Perma banned for GM disrespect, racism, and ticket system abuse, same for the other person you were online with trolling on our realm.

Due to you two doing that, all of your accounts were banned even on reaper.



And this info has already been passed along to the reaper side so don't bother trying to get unbanned over there.



-HGM Chip

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