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Spectre Abusing powers Against Dasx


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Date/Time of incident:22:55 or close (Central Europe time)
Reason for report:He simply power abused twice or 3 times?


  • (Dasx Part)Dasx asked for mute and i suppose your not allowed to mute for that? and spectre muted him. Before that me and hehahi recieved a punish of 3 days mute for trolling about a glitch, Now after that the dasx thing happened, And i made a ticket to find out what rule number was the power abuse one as how else could i find out? because i was gonna report him for power abuse on dasx.. He then banned me and hehahi for Escalation.. Total Power abuse? Nothing wrong in what i did. i mean srsly? P.S When we spoke. He made us choose about 3d mute or 2d ban, You will see on ban check ss what i mean. And He also said if we avoided mute it would be a 7d ban.  Forgot. since he did ban. hes also avoiding helping players.
  • Screenshots : (Required)
  • Note i took proof before i made ticket.. searched rules list.
  • 2civj6.png







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Botd is probaly hacking too.. Just noticed my bag is unequipped...(The 300k agility, 6k haste, 970 spell pene, 17636 resists one) And i was hacked before.. weirdly the char "Lollollollol only were hitting botd .. but the other part is it was when botd was mad once again.. like he was this time and went power abuse. Clearly im ingame when im not here according to website..


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Well I'll elaborate on the part about mutes, As far as I know it hasn't changed a player may request there character/account muted/banned as they please. It's never been abuse of power to do so and likely never will be. Also the website does not immediately update so it may say you're still ingame for a period of time even after you exit. I would agree that based on your story spec did over react in banning you, however I'm also sure there's more too it then just you making a little joke. Bottom line I would say you should serve out your ban time because by the time they get around to handling this your ban will be done anyway. Beyond that just learn what kind of jokes aren't acceptable.

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