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jboley last won the day on October 31 2024

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About jboley

  • Birthday 01/04/1998

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    Stealing cats.

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  1. jboley


    Cata is back, so that means Icecold-WoW is too. Start up-voting the server! If we can get 50 ppl in Gurubashi Arena at once, it's a successful reunion. @Kanefever@Era @Tent@Rocx @fireguywtc @OmegaRoze @Holydeekay @xuNNyy @Bunny @dytafastfag @Knee264@Negan
  2. jboley


    young sinatra
  3. jboley


  4. *Watches next season's pre-season
  5. Pass the Gnomeskin fam
  6. You're a veteren player, but you ain't a gm. #1MostProneToPowerAbuse You're a good person
  7. This is 100% constructive criticism, but people won't really wanna play this realm. For one, you gotta scrap(not rlly scrap, just make it so we don't need to do it) the required beginner quests for the haste server. Most of us have already done it, and it sounds like you're not even going to be keeping it around anyways if Icecold takes off again. Second, try throwing a few vendors in there that sell decent starter gear. People love being given stuff, that's how you hook them in. I'm not saying give them the next tier even, just varieties of different, cool, and good gear so that they can do the first tier pretty easily, but scales more as you go up the tiers. The easier and more interesting the starter faeces, the more players that get hooked into staying around. Like remember demonic and blessed? Yeah, it was tedious, but it was really ****in easy and I didn't mind doing it a bunch. Idk, just think about these suggestions. Ask my any questions if you need to, I can be confusing sometimes.
  8. This is a great plan all together. I thought I was gonna log on here see this place completely dead again. It's obvious now that you guys care about icecold just as much as the player base, even though for a while, it felt like you didn't; due to all the silence and short answers. We got 22 days from now
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