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  1. goodbye icecold-wow calderan make me i leave i never come back.

  2. hi guys i am selling a divine/forbidden geared shaman with voters shoulders with a VIP 7 axe 1h and a honor axe, look at blowmytotems on charshop.

  3. hij guys im selling a divine /forbidden geared shaman with voters shoulders ,weapons are VIP 7 1h Axe and honor Axell

  4. hi guys im selling a shaman with divine/forbidden gear voters shoulsers

  5. hi guys im selling a shaman with divine/forbidden gear voters shoulsers

  6. hi guys im selling a shaman with divine/forbidden gear voters shoulsers

  7. hi guys im selling a shaman (blowmytotems) it grot divine/forbidden gear and 1 voters piece weapons are VIP 7 Axe with honor axe look on Char shop cost 31.25$.

  8. buying a good char for 13.70$

  9. buying a good char for 13.70$

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