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856933 last won the day on September 11 2012

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About 856933

  • Birthday 01/18/1997

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  • Interests
    Sports, WoW,

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  1. 856933

    whats up

    just got my real old icecold account back so whats good
  2. Yo bro is the server up right now I can't log on ]: And thanks :D
  3. Hi guys, My name is Chris. I was the original owner of this account. Banns probably uses it. I am a very old player on Ice-Cold. I was just bored and decided to check in with the server :] :D Anyone that knows me still play?
  4. Pl0x add Deva or Dhumm/Wrathful so I can participate in this
  5. They took out the rogue Blackjack talent 2/2 for being too op and it wasn't even bugged like the priest smite. Took out the resto druid auto heals and it's not like they could do any damage to actually get kills. They nerfed feral druid extremely hard for hitting way too hard even though the talent was terribly inefficient to use in pvp or pve and was more of a "Hey, look what I can do" kind of thing. They nerfed my mage many many times for being too strong, even went so far as to ruining about half the player spell DoTs. They disabled Seal of Truth, Seal of Insight, and Retribution Aura. They've nerfed and disabled for every just class but the broken smite heals still haven't been "fixed". I just want the server to finally be balanced :/
  6. " Please learn how to World of Warcraft before posting idiotic comments Chris." Please learn how to WORLD OF WARCRAFT before posting idiotic comments Chris. Please learn how to WORLD OF WARCRAFT before posting idiotic comments Chris. Grammar Nazi Engage.
  7. You have tag when pythios is attacking you...So lol... SINCE it's attacking kells you did not have the TAG SIR... YOUR ARGUEMENT IS INVALID! So deal with it....Asscole.
  8. Maybe because you edited out the other parts of the argument? Centering in on Honeybadger? Lol
  9. Gold cap is, like, 214k. Unless you mean make it cost 10 Titanium bars. In that case it would probably be easier to make it a quest with the requirement 10 of them.
  10. IP Banned, You might want to create a Ban Appeal.
  11. Name of your ingame character: Chriis Name of character you're reporting: Mirakle Reason why you're reporting: Advertising Proof: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/43/wowscrnshot102712113423.jpg/
  12. Look at this also http://imageshack.us/g/688/wowscrnshot092712214043.jpg/
  13. You where asking for it for HOURS....Just letting you know.
  14. Name of your ingame character: Chhris Name of character you're reporting: <GM> Kyoshi Reason why you're reporting: I logged on and started t-bagging kyoshi. And then he started using his GM commands kill me and to freeze me in place, all because i t-bagged him! He also muted me for 10hrs for saying 2 swear words in /o, i know that swearing in /o is mutable but for 10hrs (if it is needed i have proof he muted me for 10hrs). That is unacceptable behaviour from a GM! And his only reason for freezing me and flying up high and summoning me dropping me to my death is because I t-bagged him and I asked why is he doing this and he said "Dont t-bag a GM" Since when was t-bagging a GM against the rules! Anyways here is my proof of him abusing the .summon and .freeze command. Proof: Thank you for reading this.
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