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firedog206 last won the day on November 3 2012

firedog206 had the most liked content!

About firedog206

  • Birthday 06/03/1981

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    Death is the only way out !
  • Interests
    Working on car's and playing games ,playing with my two boys , going out with my wife dancing yes i know other things besides wow? lol their is a real world out their !

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  1. You guys going to start doing some pve work or pvp work any would be nice looking forward to some new in game stuff for sure keep up the good work maby some new ingame items too new non vip armor and stuff would be great the big one is a post by the admin on his thoughts and plans for the new year ideas and what-not .
  2. i must say i have mixed felling so far i like that mages can pm and blast you to death but my pally fells weaker for some reason and pve umm needs some tweeking so say the lease i can far as easy now unless that was the idea trying to up gread the vote windfury one ouch my hunter use to solo easy now it takes some time so i say good and bad my rouge rocks again lol love that !
  3. small idea make a dev / gm take a per test while filling out the fourm for appling for any opening for ice-cold staff jobs that way you know your geting the best befor you even hire them and saves you guys time !
  4. Name of your ingame character: scionxb Name of character you're reporting: bobsi Reason why you're reporting: resting arena boss by killing me Proof: <a href=" src="http://i.imgur.com/YkTSp.jpg" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a>
  5. Name of your ingame character: warherro Name of character you're reporting: sefyfhghijhn Reason why you're reporting: snyping out side of arena in to arena even after i sayed some thing keeped doing it Proof: http://i.imgur.com/L1fpS.jpg
  6. i know i have been around since 2011 when this was ice-cold-frost lolz that old ?
  7. how can you talk for other people?And i am not the one have trubbel letting go i report some one and 5 people come at me have you not see that i have not sayed anything mean the hole time you all flamed me?
  8. http://firedog206.imgur.com/all/
  9. Name of your ingame character: holydawn Name of character you're reporting: mikez Reason why you're reporting: player dissrespect/herrsament Proof: i have screen shots just mail me a link
  10. Name of your ingame character: holydawn Name of character you're reporting: puppy Reason why you're reporting: player dissrespect/ herssament Proof: i have many screen shots just email me a link ill give them to you
  11. Name of your ingame character: Holydawn Name of character you're reporting: Era Reason why you're reporting: player dissrespect herasment and online stalking/capps spaming Proof: screenshot pluse a fourm report on my last report again wont leet me load screen shot give me a email so i can send the screen shots i have and just look on fourm also
  12. Name of your ingame character: Holydawn Name of character you're reporting: myballshurt and GM Mathew Reason why you're reporting: well myballshurt need i say more i asked a gm to make him get a name change in a tickit the gm sayed it looks fine casue he see's nothing wrong with it Proof: i have screenshots of all logg's if u need more i got way more this is just 2 of them the begging and end 1's. thanks for your time.
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