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DeathParagon last won the day on January 11 2015

DeathParagon had the most liked content!

About DeathParagon

  • Birthday 11/09/1990

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  1. Weird that the one day I check this site, Bill is mentioned. Even more strange is that Era called Bill, "Best guy ever." after their history...
  2. It's supposed to take a while. :) We don't want to hold your hand and give you all the really nice stuff, you have to do some work for it. Just play, meet new people, and enjoy your time. Eventually you'll be rollin' in the lewt, and all the new players will be asking you for help.
  3. Ew. Internet Explorer? First I'd recommend upgrading your browser to something more reliable like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  4. The best Warrior? DeathParagon The best Mage?DeathParagon The best Paladin? DeathParagon The best Rogue? DeathParagon The best Hunter? DeathParagon The best Druid? DeathParagon The best Shaman? DeathParagon The best Priest? DeathParagon The best Warlock? DeathParagon The best Death Knight? DeathParagon
  5. In-game try using the IceCold Teleporter and selecting the, "Receive Purchased Items" (Or something close to that). If that doesn't work, make sure your inventory has enough room and try again. If all else fails, try creating an admin ticket on the website HERE and show some sort of proof of purchase and we'll help you as soon as possible.
  6. The chances of this happening are rather low, but if the situation were to arise; I'm sure we'll think of something so the VIP's and other Donors are treated well. Though we'll probably never abandon Reaper.
  7. Try holding more Aggro next time. On a more serious matter, Rule 10. Resetting a boss to full health to gain control of the loot is forbidden. This will result in a ban. I don't believe he was resetting the boss to gain loot control over it. Instead it appears as if he accidently aggro'd the boss, then ran to avoid death. P.S: Just because he says he doesn't like someone, doesn't mean we're going to weigh his ban ( I won't anyways, others might) Everyone has their own opinion.
  8. Just ignore him if he's doing it in /s. But, we can however punish him if he decides to take it to /o chat. ;)
  9. I'm my own favorite Game Master.
  10. The title to this thread should end with a question mark. (Also known as, "?"). Because it doesn't, this thread bothers me greatly.
  11. Transmogrification should be activated as well as Reforging when the time is right. As for now, it's still being tested out for all it's kinks and bugs.
  12. A battle chest only gets you the first expansion, which in turn; you can only level to 70 and access those areas. Whereas you have to spend more to get WotLK, Cataclysm, and Pandaria which all added together is >$100 USD. On top of the initial cost; you do get a free month. However, that is only a month then you must spend an extra $15USD to continue playing.
  13. When you're suggesting about the PvP's, are you trying to ask if there will be more tiers past 7? If that is the answer you're trying to find; most likely there will be no more VIP tiers past 7. Seeing as how hard the VIPs hit already. The point was to increase the challenge of PvE content so brand new players can't just walk in and solo everything seeing no challenge. We want to see the community draw closer and help each other out more and more often.
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