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Era last won the day on August 13 2016

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About Era

  • Birthday 10/07/1995

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  1. Ahah, That doesn't suprise me. Eternian Ryan needs to get his GM's in line.
  2. It's a macro, but he refuses to tell me it, So I vouch that it's a bug.
  3. You have to log in with your ice account, none of the Eternian accounts were brought over!
  4. REPORT FORMAT Name of character you are reporting: Shamdra Date/Time of incident: 3:47 PM 2/17/2014 Reason for report: Player Disrespect towards me.. "Rekt" Proof:
  5. If you aren't the banned player / a GM, you have no reason to comment. Stop.
  6. Lobo being disrespectful, what's new?
  7. o______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________o
  8. There will be several events this weekend. Hide n Seek Trivia PvP Many more. Several prizes will be given away. If you would like to participate in these events, just simply show up. When? 2/8/2014 - 3:30 Central Standard Time Where? Starting at Deepholm Global Mall, The event will be announced from there. Anyone is welcome to join!
  9. Voted Yes and No because I had the option to.
  10. ^ Dude, Energy found you guys killing each other back and fourth with an Instant-Respawn in the Netherstorm, Stfu, don't reply on my thread. Everyone knows you were honor farming.
  11. REPORT FORMAT Name of character you are reporting: Zuess and Zanxus Date/Time of incident: 2/1/2014 around 1:00-1:45pm Reason for report: Zuess and Zanxus were sitting in the Netherstorm, Instant Revive, both Opposite factions to each other, Killing each other over and over, Zuess has 700 total kills for today, and Zanxus is right behind him in kills. When Energyqt went to the Nether and caught them doing it, they attempted to duel each other and say that thats all they were doing. Zanxus gets mad because he knows that he was doing it and tries cussing me out. Zuess trying saying that he killed some noobs earlier or some dumb sh.it like that. Proof: Video Coming Soon.
  12. Seems like you put a lot of work into this guide, Good job.
  13. Era

    Public Poll

    Should Molten/Ryan ban Zuess's ability to post? Vote.
  14. Wow you totally found me out, "Stole VIP 6 from Lobo" I guess you are 2 smart and know the facts of what actually happened bud.
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